Blood Pressure Problem? Reach for Dracula’s Kryptonite!

July 12, 2024

Achieve Integrative Health, the best restorative acupuncture clinic in Pflugerville, TX and Cedar Park, TX, is dedicated to providing valuable information about  Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Natural High Blood Pressure Solution.

Organs That Regulate Blood Pressure

Let’s start by introducing the key players — these are the organs responsible for lowering your blood pressure through organ function restoration

❤️ Heart: A healthy heart effectively pumps blood through the arteries, helping to maintain normal blood pressure.

🌊 Kidneys: The kidneys play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure by controlling the volume of blood and sodium levels in the body.

🩸 Blood Vessels: Healthy blood vessels with flexible walls can adjust their diameter to regulate blood pressure.

🔬 Endocrine System: Hormones like aldosterone and renin, produced by glands such as the adrenal glands, influence blood pressure when in balance.

🧠 Nervous System: The autonomic nervous system helps control blood pressure by regulating heart rate and the constriction/dilation of blood vessels.

🫁 Lungs: Proper oxygen exchange in the lungs ensures that the body’s oxygen levels are sufficient, indirectly affecting blood pressure.

Home Remedy

Furthermore, if you are seeking a home remedy to Regulate your blood sugar, you may follow these three steps:

Identify the Acupressure Line: Imagine a line connecting your hands to your heart. This line corresponds to the area on your arms where acupressure can directly affect blood flow to your heart.

Perform Acupressure: Using your fingers or a stick, apply moderate pressure and massage all around the identified line on both of your arms. Eventually, focus on stimulating these points to promote healthy blood flow to your heart.

Repeat as Needed: Perform this acupressure technique whenever your blood pressure is spiking or whenever you feel the need to calm down. Consistent practice may help lower your blood pressure over time.

5 other natural ways to regulate hypertension

  1. Regular Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity like brisk walking or swimming into your routine to help lower blood pressure naturally.

  2. Stress Management: Practice natural stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to alleviate stress, a factor that can contribute to elevated blood pressure.

  3. Low-Sodium Diet: Opt for a diet low in sodium by avoiding processed foods and using herbs and spices for flavoring instead of salt.

  4. Herbal Remedies: Explore herbal remedies like hibiscus tea, garlic, or olive leaf extract, which may have blood pressure-lowering properties.

  5. Holistic Approach: Consider a holistic approach that includes acupuncture, a traditional therapy that may help regulate blood pressure and promote overall wellness.

What Happens if You Eat Garlic Every Day for a Month

Week 1:

Starting Strong When you eat garlic regularly, your blood pressure could drop by about 5-6%.

Try adding half a clove (about the size of your thumb) to your meals each day. You can chop it up and mix it into pasta sauces or sprinkle it on toast with a bit of olive oil.

Garlic also helps boost your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off colds.

Week 2:

Feeling Better By now, you might see even more improvement, with your blood pressure possibly going down another 4-5%.

Keep up with the half clove of garlic each day—it’s like adding a tasty kick to your salads or mixing it into mashed potatoes.

Garlic’s antioxidants help protect your cells from damage and can keep your skin looking healthy.

Week 3:

Helping Your Heart Garlic keeps helping your heart stay healthy. It might lower your overall blood pressure by around 10-12% after three weeks.

Try adding a whole clove of garlic daily now, minced into soups or mixed with butter for garlic bread.

It also helps improve your cholesterol levels, keeping your heart strong and lowering your risk of heart disease.

Week 4:

Keeping It Going After a month, you could see your blood pressure drop by 12-15% in total.

To keep getting these benefits, continue having a clove of garlic every day. You can roast it for a milder flavor or makeHeading 2 for salads and cooking.

Garlic’s antiinflammatory properties can also help reduce joint pain (Arthritis) and stiffness.

Success Story for Hypertension

Lastly, discover Cliff’s inspiring journey to achieving optimal blood pressure levels through the restorative acupuncture services at Achieve Integrative Health. In this testimonial, Cliff shares his experience and the transformative impact Acupuncture had on his overall well-being.

“My name is Cliff, and I reside in Cedar Park. I sought the help of Yen’s Acupuncture because I was dealing with extremely high blood pressure, reaching levels as high as the 160s over 80s. With the acupuncture treatments and herbal remedies prescribed, my blood pressure has significantly improved.


Long-Term Goodness If you keep eating garlic regularly, you can keep helping your heart and blood pressure. Studies show that over time, garlic can make a big difference in keeping you healthy. So, try adding garlic to your meals—it’s not just tasty, it’s good for your heart, immune system, skin, and joints too!

Got a question: “ Where can I find an acupuncturist near me? "

Achieve Integrative Health, the number one acupuncture clinic in Pflugerville, TX and Cedar Park, Texas, Specializing in natural solutions to restore organ function and fix the root cause, we’re here to support you on your journey to natural healing.

Take the first step toward optimal well-being. Connect with us at  (512) 273-7006 or schedule an Initial Examination. At Achieve Integrative Health, our mission is to empower you to enjoy a higher quality of life through acupuncture and holistic care, addressing your unique needs and restoring vitality. Your path to a healthier, more vibrant, and more energetic life begins here.


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Achieve Integrative Health is committed to helping you achieve your health goals! Need to contact us or schedule an appointment? We’re ready to serve you.
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715 Discovery Boulevard
Suite 306
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Monday to Thursday

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