Got a weekly migraine? Root cause might be these organ Dysfunction!

September 20, 2024

Achieve Integrative Health, The best Restorative acupuncture  clinic in Leander, TX, specializing in acupuncture for migraines, is dedicated to providing valuable information about Traditional Chinese Medicine’s solutions to Naturally reverse root cause of migraine.

Suffering from weekly migraines?

Do you suffer from three or more migraines each week? If so, I understand how frustrating and debilitating they can be. Many people struggle with the impact of frequent migraines.

Did you know that there is  a connection between migraines and organ dysfunction? For example, issues with liver function can exacerbate migraine symptoms, while imbalances in the kidneys may contribute to headache frequency. Understanding these connections can help in exploring effective treatment options.

acupuncture for migraines

Organ Dysfunction Related to Migraines

Brain: Neurological Imbalances

Migraines frequently result from imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin. When these levels are off, blood flow and brain activity can spiral out of control, triggering a migraine. The brain’s link to other organs like the liver and kidneys only intensifies its role in migraine management.

Liver: Detox Trouble

When the liver isn’t detoxing properly, toxins build up, potentially sparking migraines. It’s not just about toxins, though—fluid regulation plays a big role in migraine triggers, too.

Kidneys: Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, often tied to kidney health, are common migraine triggers. Keeping your kidneys in check and staying hydrated can help keep those headaches at bay.

Digestive System: Nutrient Deficiencies

A sluggish digestive system may lead to nutrient deficiencies, particularly in magnesium and B vitamins—both crucial for brain health. Without them, migraines may become more frequent.

Endocrine System: Hormonal Imbalances

For many women, migraines are closely linked to hormone fluctuations during their menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause. Managing these shifts can significantly reduce migraine frequency and intensity.

How Does Acupuncture for Migraines Work?

  • Reducing Pain Sensitivity: Acupuncture releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, which reduce the sensitivity to pain during a migraine.


  • Improving Circulation: Better blood flow to the head and neck can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.


  • Balancing Hormones: Many migraines are triggered by hormonal imbalances, and acupuncture helps to restore harmony within the body.

What Are the Common Pain Points of Migraines?

  • Debilitating Pain

    Migraines often bring intense, throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head.

  • Nausea and Vomiting

    Many people experience nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound during migraines.

  • Unpredictability

    Migraines can strike unexpectedly, disrupting your plans and productivity.

  • Fatigue and Brain Fog

    Even after the pain subsides, many feel exhausted and mentally foggy for hours or even days.

Did You Know?

acupuncture for migraines
  • According to studies, 68% of people who received acupuncture for migraines reported a reduction in the frequency of their migraines after just four weeks of treatment.


  • Acupuncture has been found to be as effective as prescription migraine medication, without the side effects, in 70% of cases.

What Nutritional Tips Can Help with Migraines?

What Lifestyle Changes Can Support Migraine Relief?

migraine acupuncture

1. Regular Sleep Schedule

Inconsistent sleep triggers migraines by disrupting hormone levels and increasing pain sensitivity. Stick to the same sleep routine daily to regulate your internal clock.

2. Stress Management

Stress leads to migraines by causing muscle tension and increasing inflammation. Use relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga to lower stress hormones and reduce migraine frequency.

3. Exercise moderately

Physical activity improves blood circulation and releases endorphins—natural pain relievers. It also regulates hormones and lowers stress, helping prevent migraines.

What Traditional Medicine Tips Can Help with Migraines?

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can help reduce migraine symptoms, especially nausea.

This herb has been used in TCM to prevent migraines. It helps reduce inflammation and constriction of blood vessels, common triggers for migraines.

Applying diluted peppermint oil to your temples may relieve headache pain and tension.

What Recipe Can Help with Migraines?

Migraine-Relief Smoothie

migraine acupuncture


  • 1 cup spinach (rich in magnesium)
  • ½ avocado (provides healthy fats)
  • 1 banana (contains potassium to help balance electrolytes)
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (high in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger (for its anti-inflammatory properties)
  • 1 cup coconut water (to stay hydrated)


Blend all ingredients until smooth. Enjoy this migraine-friendly smoothie once a day for a nutrient boost that helps prevent migraines.

Why it Works:

  • Spinach (magnesium): Helps relax blood vessels and reduce migraine frequency by stabilizing nerve function.


  • Avocado (healthy fats): Supports brain health and reduces inflammation, both key in migraine management.


  • Banana (potassium): Balances electrolytes and prevents dehydration, a common migraine trigger.


  • Chia seeds (omega-3 fatty acids): Reduce inflammation that can trigger migraines.


  • Ginger (anti-inflammatory): Acts as a natural pain reliever, easing migraine symptoms.


  • Coconut water (hydration): Replenishes fluids to prevent dehydration-related migraines.

What Will Happen If You Do Acupuncture for Migraines for a Month?

Week 1 of Acupuncture for Migraines: Reducing Intensity and Easing Tension


  • About a 15% reduction in migraine intensity.
  • Acupuncture releases tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Improved circulation supports better organ function.

Nutritional Tips:

  • Incorporate magnesiumrich foods like leafy greens twice a week.

Stress Reduction Practices:

  • Begin a simple 5-minute daily meditation practice to reduce stress.

Finding Balance in Week 2: Fewer Headaches with Acupuncture for Migraines

In Week 2, you may see a 20% decrease in migraine frequency as acupuncture continues to reduce pain and balance your body’s energy, targeting underlying organ dysfunction.

Week 2 Progress:

  • Expect a 20% decrease in the frequency of migraines.
  • Acupuncture continues to target pain reduction.
  • Focus on balancing the body’s energy to address underlying issues.

Hydration Tips:

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated.

Physical Activity:

  • Incorporate light stretching for 10 minutes each morning to release muscle tension.

drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily, and incorporating light stretching for 10 minutes each morning will help release muscle tension.

Week 3: Acupuncture for Migraines Deepens Relief and Enhances Wellness

By Week 3, you can anticipate up to a 30% reduction in both migraine severity and frequency. Acupuncture now focuses on long-term relief through improved blood flow and hormone regulation, enhancing liver and kidney function.

Week 3 Progress:

  • Expect up to a 30% reduction in migraine severity and frequency.
  • Acupuncture improves blood flow and hormone regulation.
  • Enhances liver and kidney function for better overall health.

Nutritional Tips:

  • Add omega-3 rich foods like flaxseeds or walnuts three times a week.

Sleep Recommendations:

  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule of 7-8 hours per night for better migraine management.

Achieving Lasting Results in Week 4: Say Goodbye to Migraines with Acupuncture

In Week 4, many patients report up to a 50% reduction in migraine occurrences, with episodes becoming less intense. Acupuncture shifts to maintaining balance and preventing future migraines by supporting overall organ health.

Week 4 Progress:

  • Expect up to a 50% reduction in migraine occurrences.
  • Episodes become less intense.
  • Acupuncture focuses on maintaining balance and preventing future migraines.

Nutritional Tips:

  • Maintain a balanced diet with at least 2 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Stress Reduction Practices:

  • Continue stress-reducing activities like yoga or deep breathing for 15-20 minutes, three times a week for long-term relief.

What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture for Migraines?

acupuncture for migraines
  • Non-invasive Treatment: No medications or surgeries, just natural healing.


  • Long-term Relief: Acupuncture addresses the root causes of migraines, offering lasting results.


  • Fewer Side Effects: Unlike medications, acupuncture has minimal side effects, making it a safer alternative.


  • Holistic Approach: Acupuncture treats the whole body, improving overall well-being, not just migraine symptoms.


While acupuncture for migraines has shown great results for many, individual experiences may vary. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting a new treatment, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medication.

Wrapping It Up

Weekly migraines could be linked to organ dysfunction. Understanding the role of the brain, liver, and kidneys helps address the root causes. Acupuncture offers natural relief by reducing pain, improving circulation, and balancing hormones, leading to long-term benefits without heavy side effects.

Ready to restore organ function?

Achieve Integrative Health, the number one acupuncture clinic in Leander, TX, Specializing in natural solutions to reverse the root cause of migraine we’re here to support you on your journey to natural healing with acupuncture for migraines.

Take the first step toward optimal well-being. Connect with us at  (512) 273-7006 or schedule an Initial Examination. At Achieve Integrative Health, our mission is to empower you to enjoy a higher quality of life through acupuncture to reverse infertility and holistic care, addressing your unique needs and restoring vitality. Your path to a healthier, more vibrant, and more energetic life begins here.

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Achieve Integrative Health is committed to helping you achieve your health goals! Need to contact us or schedule an appointment? We’re ready to serve you.
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715 Discovery Boulevard
Suite 306
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Monday to Thursday

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