Pendulum Swing for Shoulder Stiffness

September 26, 2023

Are you experiencing shoulder stiffness and limited range of motion? This biohacking tip, known as the pendulum swing, can help loosen up your shoulder and improve mobility. Whether you have adhesive capsulitis or general shoulder stiffness, this technique can be beneficial. Let’s get started!

Stand or sit comfortably and let your affected shoulder hang loose. Imagine it as a pendulum ready to swing.
Begin by making small circles with your shoulder. Move your shoulder in a circular motion, gradually increasing the size of the circles. This gentle swinging motion helps loosen up the shoulder joint.

As you feel more comfortable, gradually increase the size of the circles. Let gravity assist you in opening up the capsule and improving flexibility in your shoulder.

By moving your shoulder and stretching the tendons and ligaments, you improve blood circulation in the area. This helps further loosen the shoulder and promotes healing.

Perform this pendulum swing exercise for about a minute multiple times throughout the day. Consistency is key to achieving results. If you’re just starting, use the weight of your shoulder. As you progress, you can gradually add weight to your hand for a more advanced workout.

Remember to listen to your body and not force any movements that cause pain. If you experience persistent or worsening shoulder stiffness, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Success Story for Fatigue, Mood Swings, Irritability, Cycle irregularities, and Acne

Achieve Integrative Health restorative acupuncture  is delighted to share Elna’s testimonial  Located in Cedar Park, Texas, showcasing the positive impact of our comprehensive treatment approach. Here is her story:

“Hi, I’m Elna, and I sought out the expertise of Jimmy and his dedicated team at Achieve Integrative Health around five weeks ago. I was struggling with crashing fatigue, mood swings, irritability, cycle irregularities, and acne. Feeling like I had exhausted other options, I turned to Achieve Integrative Health for help.

Since starting my treatment plan, I have experienced remarkable improvements. My energy levels have increased, my face has cleared up, and I feel more balanced, stable, and genuinely happier. Achieve Integrative Health has provided me with effective solutions for what I considered perimenopausal symptoms. I highly recommend anyone facing similar challenges to seek out the care of Jimmy and his compassionate staff. Their kindness and expertise have truly made a difference in my life.

At first, I may have been a little skeptical, but now I am confident that I am on the road to recovery. Achieve Integrative Health offers a holistic and personalized approach to address your unique concerns. Don’t hesitate to reach out and discover how we can help you on your journey to optimal well-being.”

Elma’s testimonial highlights the transformative results achievable through our tailored treatment plans. If you’re experiencing perimenopausal symptoms or any other health challenges, we encourage you to communicate with us at (512) 273-7006 or schedule an initial examination today. Our caring team is dedicated to supporting your journey towards improved health and wellness. Contact us today to start your own success story.


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715 Discovery Boulevard
Suite 306
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Monday to Thursday

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