Be Self-first

December 13, 2022

He’s called Mr. Worldwide; He’s a rapper and grew up from humble beginnings to become super successful. One of the things that he said which struck me was don’t be selfish; don’t be selfish, be self-first, self-first. I thought it was a pretty cool take on this because we all know, we’ve all heard that, you know, for parents, especially moms.

We’ve all heard that we should take care of our own health; otherwise, we don’t take care of our own health. We’re not going to be here to be able to take care of our kids or see our kids grow up right. We all hear that every single day but very few of us practice that because it’s just in our nature as a parent, you know.

Especially as a mother, the first thing you want to do is you want to take care of your kids, right. You want to take care of everybody else but yourself, and we see that constantly, you know, almost every week in our clinic mother’s not taking care of their own health. They take care of everybody else but their own health, but here’s the thing, yes, the mother a lot of times is the one that takes care of everybody, but their health is usually the worst.

So that just doesn’t make sense; the person who takes care of everybody should be the healthiest; otherwise, how are they going to take care of everybody else, right? We all know this principle, but we don’t practice it. So, it wasn’t until, you know, Pitbull said “you know, don’t be selfish” because mothers, you know, when I talk to mothers and they say, you know, I just feel so bad that I’m being so selfish.

I’m taking all this time to take care of my own health first. Well, he says, “don’t be selfish; be self-first”, you have to take care of your own health first, otherwise you’re not going to be able to take care of your family, right. that also reminded me of analogy, we probably, many of us have heard this too “isn’t this a little airplane okay, and this is supposed to be the oxygen mask that drops from the ceiling and you’re not supposed to put it over your mouth.”

So, what do they tell you to do if an oxygen mask you’re on an airplane oxygen, mask drops, what do they tell you to do? Without it you know without hesitation what should you do first? Do you put the mask on your kid first or do you put the mask on you first? Right. And every one of us who has flown on the airplane, we all know you put the mask on you first, right?

Why is that? Because if the cabin pressure drops you and there’s no oxygen within the airplane, if you don’t put that oxygen mask on your face first, you’re going to pass out. If you pass out, who’s going to help? Put the oxygen mask on your kid, on your parents, on your spouse, on your siblings, on your friends, right? You won’t be able to because you’re already passed out, right?

So that’s why they tell you to put the oxygen mask on you first, self-first okay? self-first. So, let’s make it a goal to be self-first, not selfish, but self-first. Take care of your body first, take care of your mind; it, not just the physical body you’ve got to take care of. Up here too, I do mindset training, call it “mind strength training every single day” because I want to make this strong. In order to make this strong, let’s make it self-first; take care of your mind, your body first; then you can go conquer the world. You can be like Mr. Worldwide and help as many people as possible.


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