Wash Your Hands

December 21, 2022

Achieve Integrative health is part of the solution, so we’re talking about things you can do and I’m going to go over, why you should do some things you should do? one of the things that the CDC recommends is washing your hands. That is definitely something you should be doing, but you know people say “yeah, wash your hands,” good hygiene but why soap and water?

Did you know that soap and water are actually more effective than hand sanitizers than isopropyl alcohol? Do you know why? Because people have been hoarding hand sanitizers like it’s the holy grail to prevent you from contracting the coronavirus. When in reality a simple measure, a simple strategy, an old strategy, I don’t know how old this is, the simple strategy of soap and water.

Yes, just soap and water are more powerful than any antiseptic that you can buy against any virus and bacteria. I did a little google or googling on soap and water, got some scientific data in regards to why soap and water is more powerful. It’s so simple that you should be doing more of that than hoarding sanitizers from Costco, okay.

Here’s what I found, switch the camera so let me see if I can turn this flash off, there you go. You can see, this is the corona virus; the coronavirus is surrounded by these proteins; these proteins are what help them. You can see, it helps the virus enter your cells and it’s also surrounded by it built the biolipid membrane and other proteins lipid means fat, okay.

So, this virus is the wall of the virus; the protectant of the virus is fat, and soap molecules are a combination of hydrophilic, which is water-loving heads, which are these little. It looks like little sperms, right? Little sperms, and so the head is that it likes water; the tail like, not likes water, okay. That’s what hydrophobic means; it avoids water and bonds with oil and fat, okay.

So why is soap so effective? If that soap tail likes fat, what’s here? The virus walls are filled with fat, if you can just break these walls, guess what, you kill the virus and that’s why soap is so effective. Let’s see what happens when the soap, these little heads, see, they start; they love the fat; they hate water, and they love the fat.

They’re going to dig in and dig in and break up the coronavirus cell wall, okay. When it breaks it up, it breaks up the corona virus; it destroys the corona virus. Hand sanitizers and alcohol neutralize the coronavirus; it does not destroy the virus.

This is the reason why we need soap and water; those can kill the virus. The isopropyl alcohol and hand sanitizers do not; they just neutralize; they do not kill the virus. The soap actually traps after it breaks up the virus; it actually traps the leftover particles, surrounds it and gets washed away by water.

That’s why it’s called soap and water, not just soap; it can break it up and then they can surround the broken-up particles of the virus. Then with water, it can be washed away, right? So, simple concept. Let me reverse this, so you can see me again, so simple concept of soap and water.

This is the reason why you need actually to be hoarding soap, okay. Well, you can actually make soap; don’t be hoarding soap, okay? But this is right; you should not be hoarding hand sanitizers because they don’t kill the virus. You need to wash your hands; soap kills the virus.

I mean, just think about this, this is like not even a new technology. Hand sanitizer is a new technology; the coronas virus is teaching us a huge lesson, and hopefully the world will learn this lesson. Things that history repeats itself, first of all, but also things that worked in the past, they still work, okay.

I know technology science is saying “oh stuff that’s in the past, old wives, tales, old folklore, oh they’re not scientifically proven.” Well, I just showed you the scientifically proven facts of what soap does to viruses, right? And so why are we knocking things that have worked for thousands of years? I don’t even know when, I’ll probably have to google when soap was discovered, but soap is a simple remedy to kill the virus, right?

This wasn’t discovered with technology; this was just soap; this was thousands of years ago, and so the same thing, why are we discounting. You know things that have been proven to work for thousands of years and we’re actually putting more focus or putting more importance on what stuff that technology or science has produced today, right. The coronavirus now, they’re looking for a vaccine, which is not surprising because if there’s some pharmaceutical, company is going to make a killing out of all these people dying.

Some pharmaceutical companies are going to make a killing because they’re going to create a vaccine that supposedly will cure them of this coronavirus when actually a simple one-dollar soap can stop it, right. Hopefully where the world is learning a lesson instead of trying to create something new look at something old that actually has worked thousands of years. They’ve had pandemics, not here in the us, because the us doesn’t have that big of a history.

If you look at just Chinese history, there’s thousands of years of history, they’ve gone through so many pandemics in history. How come the Chinese race has not been erased from this world, it’s because they had a solution. They had a solution and they’re using some of that solution right now, they’re using Chinese herbs in conjunction with antivirals.

It’s not just the herbs, you know, let’s get all the facts right. They’re using Chinese herbs in conjunction with antivirals and they’re having great success. But we’re not doing that here in the US; why is that? I don’t know, and so you know, why are we looking for new technology? why are we looking for you know new science that is saying “oh, there’s going to be another vaccine, science is going to cure this coronavirus.”

They had the cure 3000 years ago; we’re just not using it. We’re choosing not to use it, why? Because who’s going to make money off of soap? It’s so readily available. no pharmaceutical company can patent soap, if they could they would, they would come out and say “oh, the new coronavirus cure is called the prescription soap.” Right.

So, you know, a lot of my mentors tell me “You got to follow the money, that’s usually the solution that you’re going to” what’s causing all this? But I don’t want to get political. I just want to get a solution; solution is getting some soap, that’s all you need. Stop pouring the sanitizers, if you need help to boost your immune system, to get your organs back in shape, there’s no secret.

It’s been done for 3000 years and I’m very fortunate to be practicing traditional Chinese medicine that has helped people for thousands of years. You know, to boost their immune system, and get their organs to function where they can fight off any type of viruses. Regardless of what virus it is, viruses are not new, bacteria are not new; you know, it’s just the different types of viruses that are new.

They’re morphing because of our science, really, if you think about it. Why are we bacteria resistant? Antibiotics, I mean, we have antibiotic resistant bacteria because bacteria are getting smarter, you know. We think that we created a new antibiotic, is going to, it’s going to kill everything.

Well, bacteria get smart, they evolve too, so let’s focus on things that have worked for thousands of years and stuff instead of trying to create something new that we don’t know. I mean, who’s going to be testing these new vaccines? People are. They’re going to, and if it hurts, the people are they going to report it? probably not, right.

So, let’s focus on thousands of years of history that has worked instead of trying to look at new things that haven’t been proven to work regardless of what science says, right. But it’s up to you, if you need that help, you know, give us a call to achieve integrative health. We can help you restore your immune system, restore your organ function so that you can take offense.

You can play offense instead of playing defense, 512-260-1710


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