Continuing the Importance of Vasodilation

September 12, 2022

Considering exercise, supplementation and acupuncture for vasodilation, there is another one that we can do at home. What can we do to increase vasodilation at home? It’s to improve the nutrition delivery in your dead nerves or in dying nerves. We can consider in general how vasodilation works and one of the causes is the temperature. We can increase the temperature because warmth invigorates and cold stagnates just as what I’m telling with the patients.

Like the pressure in your tire, the air within your tire changes accordingly with the temperature. When summer, does your tire pressure increase or decrease? and when it’s cold, does your tire pressure increase or decrease? we should know by using the tire pressure indicator. When we’re in cold temperature our tires constrict and it’s the same with our blood vessels that cold causes our blood vessels to constrict.

Basically, we want to position ourselves to keep our body warm or in warm temperature that causes vasodilation. So what can we do at home? We can have hot tub, use heating pads, and bathtub hot showers. All of these can increase vasodilation because warmth invigorates cold stagnates and it’s no different from a tire and our body. One of the therapy in our clinic is called the Infrared Sauna therapy that our body is able to vasodilate by increasing the temperature.

What else can we do at home? we can do exercise and there are two types of exercise for neuropathy which are strengthening and resistance exercise. So for vasodilation, it’s cardio exercise which we’ll workout the most important muscle in our body which are in our heart that can cause vasodilation. Let’s say you can’t exercise because of you’re health condition, there’s the compression machines that prevent you from having blood clot. It’s a pneumatic pressure device that keeps lymph pumps and there’s a lot of over the counter products to mimic you exercising in your legs.

Another therapy we had in our clinic is called Anodyne therapy for temperature and Whole body vibration for the patients who can’t exercise. It exercises your muscle fibers while you can stand on the plate or sit on the chair while on the plate when you’re unable to stand. These are the things you can do at home on a daily basis to maintain the vasodilation to make sure your blood is going to your peripheral nerves and nourishing them.

The peripheral nerves only regenerate one millimeter per day, considering we have millions of nerves in our hands and feet, we need constant blood flow. If we have neuropathy, we must not stop doing exercise because if we all stop, we start getting the problems. So these are the things we can incorporate with our lifestyle unless we want our nerves to die faster or we can choose to regenerate our nerves by vasodilation.

Just always remember that everything in life is achievable but it’s up to you to make it happen.

– Jimmy Yen


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