Losing Weight

March 24, 2023

Losing weight can be a challenging process. Our bodies are designed to hold onto fat stores as a survival mechanism, making it difficult to lose weight. It is often a goal for individuals looking to improve their health, physical appearance, or overall quality of life. 

Maintaining a healthy weight involves a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity. Eating a nutrient-rich diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, such as walking, jogging, or strength training, can help burn calories and improve overall health.

Additionally, optimizing sleep and reducing stress levels can also support healthy weight management. 

Weight Loss Problems

  1. Overeating or binge eating: Consuming more calories than the body needs can make it difficult to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

  2. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, depression or anxiety can make it harder to lose weight.

  3. Slow metabolism: Some people may have a naturally slow metabolism, which can make weight loss more challenging.

  4. Plateaus: Many individuals experience weight loss plateaus, where progress slows or stops altogether despite continued effort.

  5. Diet confusion: There are many diets to choose from, including fad diets with questionable efficacy. Finding a healthy, sustainable diet that works for your lifestyle can be a challenge.

  6. Lack of exercise: Exercise can help with weight loss and weight management, as well as overall health, but scheduling and time management challenges can make it difficult to find time to exercise.

Intermittent fasting - a dietary pattern that involves alternating between periods of fasting and non-fasting


Intermittent fasting? Here’s the step-by-step process of how to do it. Step number one: intermittent fasting. There are many different ways of doing it. In the first case, you’re going to see a meal at seven a.m.

You’re going to eat your first meal and then eat your second meal at 1 p.m. Then, you’re not going to eat another meal until the next morning at 7 a.m., which is a total of 18 hours fasting. Step number two is that you eat your meal at 12 p.m. and then eat your next meal at 6 p.m.

Then, you don’t eat another meal until 12 p.m. of the next day, so that’s another 18 hours of fasting, right? So, this is giving you the 18 hours of fasting. Fasting means you don’t eat, so you don’t eat after 1 p.m. On this way, you don’t eat after 6 PM; this is the number one option I recommend people doing.

It’s the most effective, so give it a shot. 


Belly fat? part two, this is how to do intermittent fasting. There are so many different ways to do it, I’m going to teach you two ways to do it, okay? The first thing you’re going to do is practice intermittent fasting every other day. So, intermittent fast, eat regular.

Do that for a week straight, okay? You can do that for four weeks and then go back to eating normally. That is one way to help you decrease some of that belly fat because it helps reset your body and burn fat. The second thing is that, after a bad meal, you can use intermittent fasting to correct something that you did wrong.

Like go to Krispy Kreme, McDonald’s, or KFC and get some jelly donuts. You know, you ate some crappy food. Well, you need to do an intermittent fast for three days straight.

Reset that cleaning to help reset your body. What we call “autophagy” is that self-cleaning mechanism. That actually happens in your body when you actually feel a little hungry, right? So, use these two techniques.


Belly fat? part three, so this is the continuation of intermittent fasting. So how are you going to do the intermittent fasting? There are two methods for timing intermittent fasting. The first is that you will fast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You’re going to do that for four weeks straight, okay? only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The second way is that you’re going to fast every day for seven days.

You’re going to do one week on and then one week off. You can do that for one month, over a one-month period. You will fast for seven days, for two weeks, right? So, one week on, one week off, all right?

There are many other options besides these two. These are the two methods that actually work the best and keep your body from becoming accustomed to fasting. so that you can get rid of that belly fat 

Weight loss management is difficult, especially if you are always on the go during the day. If you are having trouble with your diet, schedule an appointment here. We are the number one acupuncture and wellness clinic in Central Texas. We believe that “anything is achieve-able,” and we can assist you in restoring your health by getting you in better shape and living a happier life without a heavy body.


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Suite 306
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Mondays-Thursdays 9AM-6PM
Fridays 9AM-12PM

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