Set Out for Good

December 6, 2022

Everyone makes new year’s resolutions; you set them out with good intentions, or you don’t, but how will it work out for you? Actually, it is based on one thing, so it’s not for some people. It’s actually going to be the best year of their lives, and for other people, it’s going to be the worst year ever. My mentor told me you can’t “go forward and backward at the same time.”

So, you can’t go forward and backward at the same time. You must decide which path to take based on how much action you are willing to take and what you are willing to give up in order to achieve your goal. Yes, you must give up; it is a myth to claim that you can have it all. 

Yes, you can have it all, but then yes and then no. You can’t have it all; you can’t move forward and backward at the same time. That’s what I mean when I say you can’t have it all; you can’t be eating jelly donuts every single day and expect to lose weight. That’s what I mean when I say you can’t have it all. 

It’s a myth; you’ve been lied to, and people are lying to you by saying you can have it all. You can’t have it all, but you can have it all at the same time. You can have great health and also enjoy nutritious food.

Yes, it won’t be jelly donuts every single day, but maybe once a week. Once a week, you can have a jelly donut, and then you can also maintain your organ function and be healthy. So, in that sense, you can have it all, but the point of this post is that these people have a purpose.

In the video, we already established that they have a goal and work toward it every day. “You know, there are these 90-year-olds who are still chopping wood,” said the speaker in the Ted Talk video. How many people in their 30s and 40s are out there chopping wood? I don’t know how many. 

I don’t know any, and then we’ve got 90-year-olds in blue zone areas who are chopping wood every single day. They have a purpose, they are taking action every single day, and no wonder they have a great quality of life. So, if you want a great quality of life, you need a great life; you need to have abundant health so that you can enjoy your family.

You can take them on hikes; you can enjoy vacations; but you’ve got work to do; you’ve got to chop; you’ve got to get in the woodshed and start chopping, okay? There are no alternatives; many people try to take shortcuts by taking supplements and medications—the shortcuts—but there is no acceptable shortcut. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can take massive action. 

That’s when we’re going to actually start seeing this as the best year of our lives, but if you don’t, if you push on the brake while stepping on the gas pedal, then you’re just going nowhere. Actually, you’re moving forward slightly because, as you know, the car has emergency brakes, and if you pull them and then press the accelerator, you’ll still be moving forward. But what happens later is that you actually start damaging your brakes, and if you damage your brakes pretty soon, you aren’t going to be able to stop right.

So, you know, you’re going to damage your car while you’re putting on the emergency brake and accelerating at the same time. That’s the same thing with your health, if you’re doing things. If you’re going out eating pizza every night, eating burgers every night, eating sugar, and drinking alcohol every single night, then trying to be healthy and thinking, “Okay, I’m going to exercise it off and then I’ll eat a salad tomorrow,” that will cancel out.

It doesn’t work that way, okay, the body doesn’t work that way, and you’ve got to make a commitment. Make a commitment to eat right to turn your life around. Okay, it’s not going to be a great year for many of us, but it will be a great year for many of us, and it will also be a great year for those who take the right actions. Contact Achieve Integrative Health if you need assistance taking that action. 

We’re the number one acupuncture and wellness clinic. We specialize in helping people restore their organ function; that’s what we do every single day, right? Every day, we assist 40 to 50 people in regaining their function. 

We’re the largest acupuncture clinic in Central Texas. There’s a reason why people trust us as the source: we’re good at what we do. Give us a call, and let’s take our foot off the brake and just put it on the gas pedal. How does that sound?


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Suite 306
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Mondays-Thursdays 9AM-6PM
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